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The Essential Guide to Solar CRM Software

While many solar contractors are using paper, files, and whiteboards to keep track of customers and job progress, some are looking for a better way. The traditional pen-and-paper method isn’t the only option. That’s where solar CRM software comes in.

In this post, we look at all you need to know about CRM for solar, including features to look for to ensure you get the best solar CRM for your business needs.


  • Solar CRM software helps solar companies manage customers.
  • Using a solar CRM can boost your revenue, efficiency, organization, and customer experience
  • You can find the best solar software for your business by looking at its core abilities, integrations, automations, implementation requirements, pricing, and scalability.

What Is Solar CRM Software?

CRM stands for “customer relationship management.” A CRM software has tools or features that help a business manage its customers. A solar CRM is specifically tailored to solar companies, so the system better fits your needs. The CRM will help you organize, track, and optimize your business for better efficiency and profitability.

Benefits of a CRM for Solar

The right solar company CRM will help your solar business:
  • Improve customer service and retention—Solar software allows you to track and manage all client communication and interactions, making accessing client information easy.
  • Increase revenue and profitability—CRM software lets you create sales pipelines using data that can help increase solar sales and revenue. Analyzing data from your CRM is critical to determine what is (or isn’t) working. Dedicated sales solar CRM systems have features that help close deals faster through automated reminders and follow-ups.
  • Improve operational efficiencies—Solar CRMs offer API integration so you can integrate with other software, such as email marketing platforms and social media pages. Software also provides your team with the materials they need.
  • Maintain a comprehensive database—Thanks to a CRM, you can find all data about your business on a single platform. The information is stored either on a local database or the cloud, so users can access it any time they want. CRM also makes it easy to retrieve older records since you don’t have to dig through tons of files to find what you are looking for.

How to Choose the Right CRM for Solar Professionals

Solar CRMs are a helpful tool every solar contractor should have since the right tools can make or break your business in a highly competitive market. As a solar contractor, it’s vital to select a solar company CRM that equips your team with everything they need to perform their duties efficiently. From handling time-consuming administrative tasks and enhancing solar project management to enabling your solar company to be fully remote, solar CRM software can be the core of your business. Here are six factors to consider when looking for the best solar CRM for your business.

Core Functionality

Solar software comes in many variations since most are customized to meet the needs of each client. It’s important to define your system’s core functionality, like solar sales CRM, solar marketing CRM, solar accounting CRM, etc. You can add other functionalities to make the system more comprehensive.

Compatibility with Third-Party Apps/Software

Many solar companies use at least one or more software. Ensure the solar CRM is compatible with other software you are already using so that data flows smoothly across the different layers of your software stack.


The main selling point for CRM solutions is their ability to handle repetitive and mundane tasks. Your solar company CRM should offer time-saving automation features that can send reminders for delayed invoices and upcoming appointments. Here are 5 valuable ways to use automations in your solar company.

Implementation Requirements

Most people tend to focus more on the technical aspects of solar CRM and overlook how to implement the new CRM software. Confirm if you can run old systems parallel to the new one to avoid downtime. You’ll also want to know how long it’ll take to fully implement the software.

Pricing Structure

Most small businesses work with a limited budget, so it’s important to compare the price of the CRM against the value it’ll bring to your business. Most solar CRM providers offer free and low-cost trials before you decide to commit to it fully. However, most low-tier subscriptions provide basic functionalities, while premium subscriptions offer advanced functionality.


The solar world is constantly changing, and your CRM should be able to adapt and grow as the need demands. You should be able to add new features and unlimited data as you need them. Want even more help finding the right solar software? Check out the top 5 features you should have in a solar CRM.

Boost Your Solar Business with a CRM Software

Using a solar CRM will help your company grow and flourish. You’re guaranteed to see higher retention, profitability, and efficiency with one simple tool.

When you’re choosing a solar software, be sure to look for the right core functionality, integrations, automations, and value.

Which solar CRM feature helps your solar company the most? Let us know in the comments below.

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