How Often You Should Post on Social Media for a Roofing Business

A woman posts on social media about her roofing business

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It’s crucial to find and maintain several lead-generation channels for your business. We know what you’re thinking, “Oh great, now I need to increase my marketing budget.” Well, not necessarily. 

While buying high-quality leads is a great strategy, it’s not the only thing you can do to generate more leads.

There are several effective ways you can earn more free roofing leads. Here’s how roofers can supplement paid lead channels with free roofing leads strategies.

Today, most people spend time on social media—whether or not they want to admit it. Of the nearly 8 billion people worldwide, 5.04 billion are social media users. That’s more than 60% of the global population.

What does social media have to do with roofing? You can use social media to market your roofing business to your target demographic and hopefully bring in more leads.

Establishing a deliberate social media strategy for your roofing business is crucial to remain competitive. The social media sites we’re familiar with today have been around for several years. Thanks to research, we now know a lot about user habits.

You can use this information to your advantage as you expand your social media reach. Today, we’ll be focusing on Instagram and Facebook. We’ll cover the best times to post, what content to post, and how often you should post to social media.

How Often Should a Business Post on Social Media?

According to research, 68% of Americans use Facebook, and 47% use Instagram. With those numbers, you can showcase your roofing services to people as they scroll through their timelines.

Consistency and frequency are the keys to gaining traction for your business on social media. Facebook and Instagram use an algorithm to determine users’ timelines. The algorithms on both platforms rank content and use this information to curate specific content for each user.

Staying active on social media increases your odds of the algorithm picking up your content and showing it to more people. Let’s take a closer look at how often you should post on Instagram and Facebook specifically.


You should post 3–5 times per week on Instagram directly. If you’re using Instagram stories, you should post at least once per day.


You should publish 1–2 organic posts daily on Facebook.

Both Facebook and Instagram professional accounts allow you to schedule posts in advance. Use the scheduling feature to plan posts for your roofing business effectively.

What Roofers Should Post on Social Media

Facebook and Instagram’s algorithms now use artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze user behavior and personalize content based on that behavior. Engagement is crucial to feeding this algorithm. If your posts don’t get much interaction, both sites will decrease the reach of a post.

That’s why knowing what content you should post is crucial to stay on people’s feeds. You should post content that resonates with your audience and gets more likes, interactions, comments, and shares.

Get creative with your content!

External links on social media are okay sometimes but use them sparingly.

If your social media posts always link to your website, Facebook may suppress your posts. Facebook doesn’t want its users to leave the platform; instead, it wants to keep people scrolling on Facebook. Post a variety of content on social media to stay relevant.

The Best Times to Post on Instagram and Facebook

You should know the best times to post as you build your social media strategy. 

According to HubSpot, weekends are generally the best days to post on social media for B2C brands. For B2B companies, Saturdays and Thursdays are the best days to post. Want to learn more about B2B vs. B2C companies? Check out this guide between B2B and B2C.

Here are the best times to post on Instagram and Facebook.


Best times to post on Instagram:

  • 12 p.m. – 3 p.m.
  • 3 p.m. – 6 p.m.
  • 6 p.m. – 9 p.m.

The best day to post on Instagram is Saturday, and the worst is Monday. Avoid posting on Instagram early in the morning or after 9 p.m., as marketers have found these times to be the least effective.


Best times to post on Facebook:

  • 12 p.m. – 3 p.m.
  • 6 p.m. – 9 p.m.

The best days to post on Facebook are Friday and Saturday; the worst is Sunday.

Remember that these are just suggested guidelines—you shouldn’t follow these times too closely. Experimenting with different posting schedules to find the best times that resonate with your audience is essential.

Once you’ve posted consistently for a few months, you can look at your platform analytics and see when your audience interacts most with your posts. Then, you can build a personalized posting timeline based on that data.

Supercharge Your Roofing Social Media Strategy

Harnessing the power of social media can be a game changer for your roofing business. Research proves that posting consistently and frequently is crucial to the success of your social media marketing efforts.

To further boost your engagement, post a variety of high-quality content. Managing your business’s social media accounts is a full-time job—partner with Roofer Marketers to help manage all parts of your roofing marketing strategy effectively.

Book a call to learn more today!

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